1. 处理HTTP错误
你可以定义自己的处理器来处理特定 http 错误。
错误码是 大于等于400的Http 状态码,例如
404 not found
,500 internal server
package main
import "github.com/kataras/iris/v12"
func main(){
app := iris.New()
app.OnErrorCode(iris.StatusNotFound, notFound)
app.OnErrorCode(iris.StatusInternalServerError, internalServerError)
// to register a handler for all "error"
// status codes(kataras/iris/context.StatusCodeNotSuccessful)
// defaults to < 200 || >= 400:
// app.OnAnyErrorCode(handler)
app.Get("/", index)
func notFound(ctx iris.Context) {
// when 404 then render the template
// $views_dir/errors/404.html
func internalServerError(ctx iris.Context) {
ctx.WriteString("Oups something went wrong, try again")
func index(ctx iris.Context) {
更多内容查看 视图(View) 章节。
1.1. 问题类型
Iris 内建支持 HTTP APIs 的错误详情。
编写一个 JSON 或者 XML 问题响应,行为完全类似 Context.JSON
,但是默认 ProblemOptions.JSON
的缩进是 " "
,响应的 Content-type
为 application/problem+json
使用 options.RenderXML
字段来改变他的行为,用 application/problem+xml
func newProductProblem(productName, detail string) iris.Problem {
return iris.NewProblem().
// The type URI, if relative it automatically convert to absolute.
// The title, if empty then it gets it from the status code.
Title("Product validation problem").
// Any optional details.
// The status error code, required.
// Any custom key-value pair.
Key("productName", productName)
// Optional cause of the problem, chain of Problems.
// .Cause(other iris.Problem)
func fireProblem(ctx iris.Context) {
// Response like JSON but with indent of " " and
// content type of "application/problem+json"
ctx.Problem(newProductProblem("product name", "problem details"),
// Optional JSON renderer settings.
JSON: iris.JSON{
Indent: " ",
// OR
// Render as XML:
// RenderXML: true,
// XML: iris.XML{Indent: " "},
// Sets the "Retry-After" response header.
// Can accept:
// time.Time for HTTP-Date,
// time.Duration, int64, float64, int for seconds
// or string for date or duration.
// Examples:
// time.Now().Add(5 * time.Minute),
// 300 * time.Second,
// "5m",
RetryAfter: 300,
// A function that, if specified, can dynamically set
// retry-after based on the request.
// Useful for ProblemOptions reusability.
// Overrides the RetryAfter field.
// RetryAfterFunc: func(iris.Context) interface{} { [...] }
输出 application/problem+json
"type": "https://host.domain/product-error",
"status": 400,
"title": "Product validation problem",
"detail": "problem error details",
"productName": "product name"
当 RenderXML
设置为 true
的时候,响应将被渲染为 xml
输出 application/problem+xml
<Title>Product validation problem</Title>
<Detail>problem error details</Detail>
<ProductName>product name</ProductName>